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Spring Break Annotated Image

This photo was taken off of the CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) television that I have in my bedroom. My partner is a photographer, and he appreciates the quality of visuals that can only be captured on a CRT display. You are likely familiar with them, as they were the standard before high-definition television became the norm and flatscreens took over in the late 2000s. Something about the way these old TVs make things look has always fascinated me, so I have a couple of my own.

The video being played on the CRT is one that my partner Kyle made with his friend Sarah a couple of weeks ago as a fun side project. The video is supposed to be a cross between horror and eroticism; it toys with the boundary between the two. One day, Kyle played an edit of the video on the TV to see how it looked and we both liked it a lot, so we took some stills of the screen. This photo in particular struck me due to the angle of the shot as well as the prominance of the CRT effect, creating this hazy, just-woken-up feeling. 

Cobian, Kyle. (2023, April 13). Infomercial [Photograph].